
nursing homework assignments

Writing a resume for a Nursing career or any kind of Medical Assistant nursing homework assignments position comes with its own unique set of challenges. Jobs in health care will require you to have a certain background, but they will also require you to be a certain kind of person. Not only must your resume accurately convey your professional potential, it must also reflect your ability to empathize with patients, families, and clinical colleagues. It has to show that you are committed and passionate about quality care and general health education.

First off, considering the special skills and expertise that are necessary to be a success in the field of health care, it is vital your resume dives into the specific details of your clinical experience. For instance, is the bulk of your background in Pediatrics, or Orthopedics? Mental Health, or Palliative Care? It may benefit you as an individual to make these distinctions and show potential employers that you are committed to a particular aspect of healthcare. Although, this is not universal. Some clinical positions will require you to be more of a “jack-of-all-trades”, in which case your resume should speak of your skills sets more generally. It really depends on what kinds of positions you plan on applying for. In this regard, I suggest you know your options and do your homework.

There are many options in the nursing field, depending on the level of education you plan for, what kind of certification you will pursue and if you decide to choose a nursing specialty. Some options include certified nursing assistant (CNA), nursing assistants-registered (NA/Rs), licensed practical nurse (LPN), licensed vocational nurse (LVN), registered nurse (RN), certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), clinical nurse specialist (CNS), nurse practitioner (NP), certified nurse midwife (CNM) and registered professional nurse (RPN).

Most often, a person will settle into their clinical niche within a few years in the field. From there, one can take any number of professional development courses and specialized trainings in order to increase their knowledge and advance their career. Obviously, these certifications, licenses, etc. should all be mentioned within context in your resume. They will show potential employers that you are dedicated to progress and intend to further your vocational skills.

It is also very important to draw these certain distinctions because a CNA will have very different duties than an RN and will actually have to adopt a very different mindset. After all, working in hospice care varies greatly from the fast-paced ER environment and both types of jobs are suited for a specific kind of person. One who deals regularly with Alzheimer’s patients may not be prepared to deal with a gunshot wound victim in the ER, and vice versa. So the path you have chosen will automatically tell people a bit about the person you are, but it definitely helps to tell then as well as show them.

Whilst your “work experience” and “skills” sections will address your knowledge and background, you must also create an impression of your personality in your professional resume. I find that it helps to sprinkle in lines such as this throughout the resume (in context, of course): “Equipped to provide physical and emotional support to patients and families”. Amidst all the technical skills and medical jargon, I feel statements like this add an element of humanity to a resume and, if used tactfully, can be a very effective.

So, in summation, a successful Nursing or Medical Assistant resume will bring together these elements to paint a picture. However, what kind of picture will it paint? Do your homework, know your options, and show potential employers your personality as well as your professional skills. And, if you feel you are not capable to doing this yourself, I strongly recommend you speak with a professional resume writer to help guide you along. After all, your resume is your only chance to make a first impression – don’t take it lightly!

The health care industry has grown dramatically throughout the last 15 years or so, creating new jobs for doctors, pharmacists, and especially nurses. Especially in the United States these numbers are increasing daily. Now because of this recent growth, there are many nursing schools that have arose in the country, and there are many nursing degrees available to those who wish to purse a career in the industry.

The first thing one needs to do when considering pursuing a career in nursing is to lean of all the options available to them. There are a variety of types of nursing jobs you can get after you graduate. It’s your job to figure out which one suit’s you best and then match that to the type of nursing program that fits. You can choose from a wide rage of programs like a Registered Nursing Degree, RN & MSN Programs, Licensed practical Nursing Schools, CAN Training, RN & BSN Programs, and the list goes on.

The next thing one need to know is that a good amount of nursing programs are specifically made for students who are already registered as nurses in the health care field, and are trying to advance by taking RN or BS nursing programs to help further themselves in their profession. This is one reason that proper research of what program suit’s you best is necessary.

Next you want to know that out of any nursing school you choose you want to make sure that it is NLN accredited. This will ensure that out of any of the variety of programs you choose from, you will be offered the necessary clinical training to get you a job or to further your career.

Graduates of nursing school and students that hold nursing degrees are in high demand nowadays because of the need for professional nurses in positions as managers in hospitals and clinics. In the country today there is an extreme shortage of nurses, and statistics show that even with the push for more nurses, by 2015 there will still be a shortage of over 300,000 nurses. This is why the United States is encouraging people to become nurses regardless of the professions numerous benefits. This is also one reason that almost every nursing school and program offers financial aid and job placement assistance.

Now obviously most people working as nurses, and even those who are currently employed but not as nurses, and are looking for a career change, won’t have the time to go to nursing school because of their hectic work schedule. But it’s a good thing that various nursing schools across the country have been setting up online nursing programs. What this means is that if needed, nowadays you can earn your nursing degree online, only having to meet at a campus a few times if at all. All of your course materials are worked on and submitted online, such as test, modules, homework, and live video lectures and demonstrations.

There are many great nursing schools you attend online, such as The University of Phoenix, Kaplan University, Walden University, and The California College for Health Sciences. In naming these four schools is only scratching the surface. To highlight one school in particular, The California College for Health Sciences offers a superb online nursing degree, for getting both your bachelor’s and master’s degree in various field of the health care industry. For example, Nursing, public health, health care management, respiratory therapy, and early childhood education. They offer the following programs, medical office administration, gerontology, EKG technician, dental assistant, health care management for your master’s or bachelor’s, medical transcription, pharmacy technician, and nursing degrees for your master’s, bachelor’s, and RN.

In recent years and in the future the nursing field is going to explode! Nursing jobs are in great need and there are great programs our there for anyone seeking a wide variety of options. Right now there are nursing jobs waiting for professionals with an education. Some of these jobs include registered nurse, hospital nurse, midwife nurse, and even nursing aids. The jobs in this field are endless it’s just up to you to find the one right for you.

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