How To Plan A Trip To Germany Your Step-by-step Travel Planner In Germany To Travel To Germany For The First Time!



If you are interested, you can plan your trip around the castles, as some are only open during certain months of the year. The most visited castles are open from March to October and some also remain open throughout the winter. Prices vary depending on the castle you want to visit, but generally range from 5 to 10 EUR per person.

I have only traveled when faced with this situation and I was not very happy. The tricky thing is that you might think you’re parking in a perfectly legal area on the outskirts of the city. I know, if I didn’t, I would get another 15 euro parking ticket in Regensburg. Here is my list of 21 essential tips for visiting Germany.

The officer came out screaming at us, all the Germans he knew flew out of the window. Let’s just say he really liked it when we finally mumbled “Australians”! I live in Germany, and what you listed is normal for me for the time being.

Often toilets in busy restaurants/clubs/events there have a companion who will keep you clean. In these cases, a tip is not mandatory, but it is long awaited, so unless you like to have a vicious side eye, take some change with you. hotel oktoberfest Even restaurants and clubs are not immune to this, which is why I say you should take change with you at all times. While I love exploring new places, there’s something special about traveling through Germany that grabs me.

After all, you can only go to one restaurant, café or bar at a time. We’ve put together a collection of travel tips for first-time visitors to Munich that will put you on the right track; They can even let you surf in the heart of the city. High German is spoken throughout the country and a variety of dialects are common in the rest of the country, including Bavaria, the province where Oktoberfest is held.

While large supermarket chains and stores are likely to accept your credit card, most restaurants and stores in Munich only accept cash or EC cards. Make sure you have enough euros with you for daily use. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on Germany’s love of cash, but hard currency is still king in these parts. Visit one of the city’s boazn, the equivalent of munich dive bars. They’re usually quite cozy, with slot machines, neighborhood drinkers, and exuberant waiters who can offer you not only a freshly touched beer, but also some life tips.